Term Value
GBIF Publisher ID
GBIF Dataset ID
Occurrence ID
IPT Record ID
Last indexed
Has license
Has typestatus
Has tissue
Has media
Has length
Has mass
Has sex
Has life stage
Is fossil
Is archaeological
Was captive
Hash ID

<%if (this.model.get('associatedmedia')) { var link = this.model.get('associatedmedia'); %>

<% } %>
<% _.each(this.model.DWC_ALL(), _.bind(function(key) { var val = this.model.all()[key]; if (val) { %> <% if (key == 'BibliographicCitation') { %> <% } %> <% } %> <% }, this)); %>
Term Value
Record Citation <%= val %> <% } else if (key == 'UnderivedSex') { %> Sex from source <%= val %> <% } else if (key == 'UnderivedLifeStage') { %> LifeStage from source <%= val %> <% } else if (key == 'LengthUnitsInferred') { %> Are length units inferred? <% if (val == 0) { %> No <% } else { %> Yes <% }} else if (key == 'MassUnitsInferred') { %> Are mass units inferred? <% if (val == 0) { %> No <% } else { %> Yes <% }} else if (key == 'LengthInMM') { %> Length in mm <%= val %> <% } else if (key == 'LengthType') { %> Length type <%= val %> <% } else if (key == 'MassInG') { %> Mass in grams <%= val %> <% } else { %> <%= key %> <% if (val.startsWith('http')) { %> <%= this.model.replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(val) %> <% } else { %> <%= val %> <% } %>

<% _.each(this.model.DWC_LOCATION, _.bind(function(key) { var val = this.model.loc()[key]; if (val) { %> <% } %> <% }, this)); %>
Location Term Value
<%= key %> <% if (val.startsWith('http')) { %> <%= this.model.replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(val) %> <% } else { %> <%= val %> <% } %>

<% _.each(this.model.DWC_RECLEVEL, _.bind(function(key) { var val = this.model.reclevel()[key]; if (val) { %> <% if (key == 'BibliographicCitation') { %> <% } %> <% } %> <% }, this)); %>
Record-level Term Value
Record Citation <%= val %> <% } else { %> <%= key %> <% if (val.startsWith('http')) { %> <%= this.model.replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(val) %> <% } else { %> <%= val %> <% } %>

<% _.each(this.model.DWC_OCC, _.bind(function(key) { var val = this.model.occ()[key]; if (val) { %> <% } %> <% }, this)); %>
Occurrence Term Value
<%= key %> <% if (val.startsWith('http')) { %> <%= this.model.replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(val) %> <% } else { %> <%= val %> <% } %>

<% _.each(this.model.DWC_ORGANISM, _.bind(function(key) { var val = this.model.organism()[key]; if (val) { %> <% } %> <% }, this)); %>
Organism Term Value
<%= key %> <% if (val.startsWith('http')) { %> <%= this.model.replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(val) %> <% } else { %> <%= val %> <% } %>

<% _.each(this.model.DWC_EVENT, _.bind(function(key) { var val = this.model.event()[key]; if (val) { %> <% } %> <% }, this)); %>
Event Term Value
<%= key %> <% if (val.startsWith('http')) { %> <%= this.model.replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(val) %> <% } else { %> <%= val %> <% } %>

<% _.each(this.model.DWC_ID, _.bind(function(key) { var val = this.model.iden()[key]; if (val) { %> <% } %> <% }, this)); %>
Identification Term Value
<%= key %> <% if (val.startsWith('http')) { %> <%= this.model.replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(val) %> <% } else { %> <%= val %> <% } %>

<% _.each(this.model.DWC_TAXON, _.bind(function(key) { var val = this.model.taxon()[key]; if (val) { %> <% } %> <% }, this)); %>
Taxon Term Value
<%= key %> <% if (val.startsWith('http')) { %> <%= this.model.replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(val) %> <% } else { %> <%= val %> <% } %>

<% _.each(this.model.VN_TRAIT, _.bind(function(key) { var val = this.model.trait()[key]; if (val) { %> <% if (key == 'UnderivedSex') { %> <% } %> <% } %> <% }, this)); %>
Trait Term Value
Sex from source <%= val %> <% } else if (key == 'UnderivedLifeStage') { %> LifeStage from source <%= val %> <% } else if (key == 'LengthUnitsInferred') { %> Are length units inferred? <% if (val == 0) { %> No <% } else { %> Yes <% }} else if (key == 'MassUnitsInferred') { %> Are mass units inferred? <% if (val == 0) { %> No <% } else { %> Yes <% }} else if (key == 'LengthInMM') { %> Length in mm <%= val %> <% } else if (key == 'LengthType') { %> Length type <%= val %> <% } else if (key == 'MassInG') { %> Mass in grams <%= val %> <% } else { %> <%= key %> <% if (val.startsWith('http')) { %> <%= this.model.replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(val) %> <% } else { %> <%= val %> <% } %>

<% _.each(this.model.DWC_ALL(), _.bind(function(key) { var val = this.model.all()[key]; if (val) { %> <% } %> <% }, this)); %>
Term Value
<%= key %> <% if (val.startsWith('http')) { %> <%= this.model.replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(val) %> <% } else { %> <%= val %> <% } %>

Data Set
<%= this.model.get('title') %> http://gbif.org/dataset/<%= this.model.get('gbifdatasetid') %>

Data Set Citation
<%= this.model.get('citation') %>

<%= this.model.get('orgname') %> http://gbif.org/publisher/<%= this.model.get('gbifpublisherid') %>

Organization Location
<%= this.model.get('orgcountry') %> <%= this.model.get('orgstateprovince') %>

<%= this.model.get('contact') %> <<%= this.model.get('email') %>>

Source URL
<%= this.model.get('source_url') %>

<%= this.model.get('license') %>

<% if (this.model.get('emlrights')) { %> <%= this.model.getRights() %> <% } else { %> Please contact the data publisher for details concerning the use of these data. <% } %>

Source Published Date
<%= this.model.get('pubdate') %>

VertNet Migrator Date
<%= this.model.get('migrator') %>
